a son 3 años los que lleva de vida este maravilloso Proyecto cuya finalidad es la de ayudar a los gatitos que han nacido en la calle o que han sido abandonados colaborando con diferentes Entidades o Asociaciones. Os hablo del WE LOVE CATS MARKET.
There are already three years that life brings this wonderful project whose purpose is to help the kittens were born on the street or who have been abandoned collaborations with entities or associations. I speak of WE LOVE CATS MARKET.
Montse y Vanesa, dos amantes incondicionales de los gatos, son las artífices de este Mercado Benéfico que además adoran las Cosas bonitas hechas a mano, así que pensaron en juntar en un mismo espacio a diferentes Artesanos y Creadores y así recaudar fondos.
Montse and Vanessa, two stalwarts cat lovers are the architects of this Charity Market also love the beautiful things handmade, so thought together in the same space at different Craftsmen and Creators and raise money.
Cada Creador paga una cuota de 120 Euros que se destina al alquiler del Local y gastos derivados de la Feria. El resto se dona a la Asociación elegida para ayudar a los gatos. Los beneficios que se obtienen de la Venta de Productos van directamente al Participante.
Each Creator pays a fee of 120 Euros which is intended for rental of premises and expenses arising from the fair. The rest is donated to selected to help cats Association. The benefits obtained from the sale of products go directly to the Participant.
I was in the previous edition and I find great because in addition to the purpose if you can buy Super nice cositas and totally handmade, plus the people are very nice, we will do if you are in Barcelona not what you can lose. See you there ?. ☺
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